We currently have approximately 300 signatures, but have yet to meet our goal!! Please help our cause and make your voice heard by signing the petition.   


We, the undersigned, protest Winn Bay Sand Limited Partnership’s proposed “Larkin Valley Project,” a silica sand mine and processing plant on properties bordering Snake Coulee Road, Larkin Valley Road and Schansberg Road.

Based on numerous sources of documented evidence that respirable crystalline silica is a health hazard, we believe that Winn Bay Sand Limited Partnership will be unable to prove to our satisfaction that silica dust will not affect the health and well-being of area residents. We believe that the proposed site is too heavily populated and too close to the City of Blair for a silica sand mine. We feel that the health risks associated with silica dust, the potential for groundwater pollution, smoke from smokestacks and equipment, noise from operations and blasting, the destruction of agricultural land, and increased traffic and railroad activity will negatively impact the lives of area residents. Furthermore, we believe that the natural beauty and bountiful wildlife of this land is well worth preserving.



Please sign this petition on-line at: www.thepetitionsite.com/1/Larkin-Valley-No-Winn

A los del Consejo Municipal del Pueblo de Preston.

Nosotros,los que suscribimos esta petición,presentamos nuestra formal protesta en contra del proyecto "Larkin Valley Project", propuesto por Winn Bay Sand Limited Partnership's,que es una mina de arena sílice,y planta procesadora de sílice en las propiedades que bordean las siguientes calles de Blair: Snake Coulee Road, Larkin Valley Road y Schansberg Road.

Basados en muchas fuentes de evidencias documentadas,que los cristales de sílice que se respiran,son peligrosos para la salud humana, fauna y flora. Nosotros creemos que Winn Bay Sand Limited Partnership no sera capas de probar a nuestra satisfacción que el polvo de la sílice no es dañino para la salud y para la contaminación del ambiente y los residentes del área.
Creemos que el lugar propuesto esta muy poblado y muy cerca de la Ciudad de Blair, para explotar una mina de sílice.Nosotros estamos seguros que el riesgo de la salud humana asociado con el polvo de silica,la polución de las fuentes de agua,la emanaciones de las chimeneas y de las maquinarias,el ruido de las explotaciones y operaciones,la destrucción de las tierras agrícolas,el incremento del tráfico vehícular y la actividad ferrocarrilera impactara de una forma negativa las vidas de los residentes del área.
Además,sentimos que la belleza natural y la vida silvestre vale la pena preservarla.


Para firmar: www.thepetitionsite.com/1/Larkin-Valley-No-Winn

 "Mother Earth (Natural Anthem)"
By: Neil Young

Oh, Mother Earth,
With your fields of green
Once more laid down
by the hungry hand
How long can you
give and not receive
And feed this world
ruled by greed
And feed this world
ruled by greed.

Oh, ball of fire
In the summer sky
Your healing light,
your parade of days
Are they betrayed
by the men of power
Who hold this world
in their changing hands
They hold the world
in their changing hands.

Oh, freedom land
Can you let this go
Down to the streets
where the numbers grow
Respect Mother Earth
and her giving ways
Or trade away
our children's days
Or trade away
our children's days.

Respect Mother Earth
and her giving ways
Or trade away
our children's days.

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